7 Travel Gadgets for Your Summer Fun
Summer is the perfect time to take a family vacation. The kids are out of school and the weather is usually beautiful. However, traveling can sometimes be stressful; especially when you are unsure of what to pack. Here are 7 travel gadgets that are sure to benefit any summer getaway and will ensure that you have everything you need.
1. Portable Phone Charger
We use our smartphones for everything now-a-days. Depending on the age, brand, and model of your smartphone, battery lifespans are getting longer but you may still need to charge your phone while out on a day trip. Nothing is worse than trying to take a great vacation photo, just to find that your phone is dead.
2. Attachable Photo Lens
Using your smartphone as a camera is so convenient, but sometimes the quality of picture or zoom capability may not be exactly what you are looking for. With an attachable photo lens, you can get the same quality of photos with your smartphone or tablet as you get with a high resolution camera.
3. Noise Canceling Headphones
Whether it's a long road trip with your family or a flight on a crowded airplane, noise canceling headphones can save your trip. They can be the difference between peace and serenity and constant fighting amongst siblings in the back seat, or they can help you drown out the chaos and commotion of other passengers on a flight.
4. Universal Plug Adapter
Traveling to another country can be fun and exhilarating but there are some big differences that could ruin your vacation if you are unaware of them. One of them is the difference in electrical outlets and requirements in other countries. Therefore, a good universal plug adapter is essential when traveling overseas.
5. Waterproof Phone Pouch
When planning a vacation in any water-centered area, such as an island or lake resort, having a good waterproof phone pouch can not only ensure that you don't have any unhappy accidents but can also allow you to use your phone during underwater experiences, such as snorkeling in the Caribbean or swimming at the lake with your family.
6. Smart Suitcase
We have come a long way from the simple suitcases that our grandparents used for traveling. Now smart suitcases not only have wheels and hard outer shells to make them easy to transport and protect your belongings, but they can also connect to your phone to provide tracking services, anti-theft capabilities, etc.
7. Luggage Scale
Nothing is more stressful than packing a bag and not knowing if you have met the luggage weight requirement. If you find out at the airport that your luggage weights too much, you are forced to make the difficult decision of either paying more money, which you may not have, or getting rid of items, which inevitably means throwing them away. But if you have a portable luggage scale, you can weigh your own baggage at home and avoid this unneeded airport stress.
Traveling during the summer can be so much fun. But by ensuring that you have everything you need and by including some or all of these travel gadgets, you can ensure that your summer vacations are as fun and exciting as you hoped.