Top 5 Sources of Entertainment That Won't Break the Bank
We all crave entertainment, but it can be easy to let expenses get away from you when you're just trying to relax. Money Talk News cites US Bureau of Labor Statistics studies showing that the average US household spend nearly $2,500 on entertainment each year! As it turns out, there are lots of ways to have fun and enjoy life that don't add to that total, and they could even help you reduce your entertainment spending and put that money towards saving or paying down debt. With these goals in mind, let's check out some of our favorite ways to find entertainment on a budget.
Take A Hike
Getting out into nature is one of the absolute best ways to spend time away from the stresses of everyday life, while enriching your soul and your health! Money Talks News recommends finding hiking trails or public lands in your community and using those places as a safe, free way to get out in the sun and among the trees like so many generations before our own did. Plus, hiking is great for your heart health and lets you explore truly magical areas of your community you never knew existed.
Check the University
Colleges and universities of just about every size have one form or another of performing arts program, many of which often put on multiple plays, musicals, or other types of performance each year. These shows have the support of the broader institution and can be seen for a fraction of the price of a Broadway show or even an independent theater company, in many cases even entirely free of charge. Money Crashers points out that your attendance also helps support local arts and provides a bigger audience for students to perform for, which they really appreciate!
Relive an Era
Growing up in any era had trends and fads that most of us still remember to this day. What better way to celebrate than to host a party where guests relive your favorite decade? 80s, 90s, and 2000s, parties are all the rage and call for period appropriate attire, TV, movies, and stories that are easy to find because you've already lived through them once. Avant recommends checking out thrift stores and digging deep into your own closet to find fashion pieces that might be a little shocking today but were all the rage back in the day. For one night, break them out again and relish the memories of days gone by!
Get in The Game
Board games are a fan favorite when it comes to spending quality time with your friends and family without spending a lot of money. Even a simple deck of cards can fill out an evening when you spend it with the right group of people. Frugal and Thriving suggests checking your closet for games you already have so you don't even need to spend the time or money to go get new ones, so you can set to having fun and making memories straight away.
Take in Some Culture
Cities all around the world make serious efforts to enrich the lives of their citizens and often fund museums, art galleries, and other cultural attractions. Smart Asset notes that these institutions typically have a very low entry fee, and in many cases are even free for residents of the community with a valid ID. Local museums are an especially good way to learn more about the history of an area or community and can provide hours or even days of entertainment for visitors.
Entertainment comes in many different forms, and those listed above are just a few of the ways you can take a bite out of the cash you spend each year. Get out there and find a new trail, see a show, or visit a museum - your heart and your wallet will thank you!