5 Hobbies to Start While Stuck at Home
We have all found ourselves with a lot of extra time on our hands - time stuck at home. Most of us, if we have some extra time, like to get out into the world, be social, grab a bite to eat... all of which just aren't feasible options right now. So, this begs the question: what are you going to do with your time at home?
Maybe we can look at this like an opportunity. With the internet at our fingertips, there are so many ways we can entertain ourselves: reading, watching Netflix in its entirety, playing with our pets. Or we could use this time to better ourselves and learn a new skill or start a new creative hobby! There are many online class sites offering discounts or free trials for you to use your time stuck at home wisely and productively. Here are some easy-to-start hobbies that you can begin in the comfort of your own home.
Start a Garden
Whether you are in a house or an apartment, if you have a windowsill or balcony, you can start a garden! Everything you need can be ordered on the internet (thanks, Amazon) including seeds, pots, dirt, tools, you name it. It's a great activity to bring the rest of your family in on as well and will get them - and you - off of electronics and into the sunshine.
Learn to Cook and Bake
The art of a home-cooked meal is becoming a little bit obsolete, with ready-made food on our phones or just down the street. But did you know that you can actually save money cooking for yourself? Not only does the actual cost of each meal go down, but one cooking session can yield several days' worth of lunches. Plus, it's a great opportunity to get off your computer and get some creativity flowing.
Learn an Instrument
That guitar or piano or violin you've had sitting in your closet - the one that you've been meaning to get to but just haven't had time - it's time to break it out. You've been given all the time you need to sign up for some online lessons and finally sit down to learn it! If you don't have an instrument lying around, you can opt for vocal lessons.
Make some DIY Home Decor
As previously stated, the internet is a great resource for us while stuck at home. With Pinterest, the internet's largest visual search engine geared towards DIY projects and home decor, crafting at home has never been easier. From inspiration to tutorials, you can find everything you need to get creative and spruce up your home with things you already have lying around.
Learn Photography
If you have a smartphone, you don't even need a fancy camera to start learning photography. In the age of the iPhone, almost everyone has an at least decent-quality camera with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign up for an online photography class and learn how to take beautiful pictures with your phone.